Ziinga is not a scam, it is as legit as any penny auction site out there. So is Quibids.com and BidCactus.com.
So why are people crying foul?
Besides the sour losers who spent a fortune and didn't win anything from their auctions, there are also SPAMMERs who have nothing better to do but give penny auction sites a bad name. They are hired to ruin every reputable Penny Auction site out there by plastering SCAM all over the internet. Who hired them? Companies who are nothing but jealous of the success of Penny Auctions. Big Companies like eBay.com and Amazon.com come to mind. Why the hell would they bother to do that? Plain and simple... to drive traffic away from Penny Auction sites and have online shoppers flock back to their sites.
You don't believe me?
Try 'Googling' any Penny Auction site that ever existed in the Internet and the first thing you'll see is the word SCAM along with the site's name. How is that even possible? I don't think all Penny Auction sites are SCAMs, some companies are just out for blood over their profit losses.
If you don't like Penny Auctions in general and you really do believe they are out to SCAM you then don't sign up for an account. But mind you, there are people like me who do enjoy penny auctions. I've won a few prizes, nothing big, but that's not the point is it, just take everything at face value and just enjoy penny auctions for what they are.