Friday, May 4, 2012

Penny Auction Fridays

Hey yo good morning! Guess what? You made it to Friday, and the weekend is basically already here.

It's mad gaming Friday and I made it out alive of the slushpile at work. Now what should I do tonight? Of course, there's the clubs and the parties and all that. Then there's Halo at home, the penny auctions to beat online at Ziinga and that 'Walking Dead' marathon waiting for me on my TiVo. Glad to have no girlfriend! No one mouthing off, no one telling me to stop with my bids and no one nagging me to kill my game. But that's life yo! You deal with the cards you're given... and right now, the Gods of war are smiling down on me and giving me online swag :)

Oh yeah, I got all my gear at these penny bids sites- bidcactus, and

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